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What are the proper storage methods for wood pellets?

Blog 2420

Wood pellets are produced by compressing biomass materials such as sawdust, grass, alfalfa, rice husk, crop straw, waste papers, EFB, leaves, etc. The production process involves molding these materials into solid pellets with high density by melting the lignin to create bonds within the biomass materials.

Wood pellets are highly valued for their small size, high density, high purity, high heat value, cleanliness, low cost, and ease of storage and transportation. Typically, wood pellets consist of 75-85% carbon, 3-6% ash, and 1-3% water content. They have gained widespread usage in heating stoves, furnaces, boilers, and power generation systems.

Raw materials for making pellets

Many families and factories purchase or produce large quantities of wood pellets to ensure a constant supply. They often have questions about proper wood pellet storage and the length of time they can be stored for.

Wood pellets storage time

Wood pellets are typically packaged in plastic bags, paper bags, or woven bags, which do not provide complete separation from the surrounding air. This means that the moisture in the air can affect the wood pellets, causing them to become damp and lose their compactness. As a result, the storage time of wood pellets is primarily determined by the humidity of the environment.

The storage time of wood pellets can be divided into two stages. If the humidity of the environment is higher than 10%, the storage time is typically less than three months. On the other hand, if the humidity is lower than 10%, the storage time can extend to more than six months.

It is important to store wood pellets properly to avoid any negative impacts on their quality and burning efficiency. Improper storage can lead to dampness, cracking, and a decrease in overall effectiveness, resulting in potential economic losses. Therefore, it is crucial to learn and implement the correct methods for storing wood pellets.

Pellets storage

How to store wood pellets properly?

To ensure the proper storage of wood pellets, it is recommended to follow these guidelines:

  1. Packaging: It is ideal to pack wood pellets in damp-proof bags. If such bags are unavailable, ensure that the storage area is dry.
  2. Dry Storage: Keep the storage room dry and well-ventilated, with a moisture content of less than 10%. Avoid direct contact of wood pellet bags with the ground by placing them on panels or cardboards.
  3. Humidity Control: In areas with high humidity, install ventilation and dehumidifying equipment in the storage area.
  4. Fire Safety: Wood pellets are highly combustible, so keep them away from open flames, such as stoves. Regularly check for potential safety hazards and ensure that children do not play with fire near the wood pellets.
  5. Protection from Weather: Avoid leaving wood pellets in the open air. If necessary, move them indoors during rainy days. Additionally, outdoor storage requires a dry location with a shed or shelter. Inspect the package bags for cracks and holes, and repair them if necessary. Cover the wood pellet bags with a waterproof cloth and secure it tightly.
Pellets storage

By following these guidelines, you can maintain the quality and effectiveness of wood pellets during storage.

Reduce the wood pellet storage

To prevent the potential damage caused by moisture, fire, and other environmental factors, it is advisable not to store excessive quantities of wood pellets beyond your immediate needs. Storing wood pellets for a maximum of one month’s use is generally sufficient to ensure their quality.

If you have a regular need for wood pellets, an alternative option is to produce your own with a small pellet machine. These machines are cost-effective, compact in size, and easy to use and maintain. Investing in a small pellet machine can be more economical in the long run if you frequently use wood pellets.

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